New Year Journal Prompts.

At the start of the new year, we tend to reflect on the past and create wishes and intentions for the year ahead. Now is a perfect time to journal as a way of engaging in conversation with yourself.

Journaling has long been recognised as an effective way to reduce stress, help with anxiety, focus your mind and organise your life. It is a great tool to use alongside meditation, to open up and let go of things that no longer serve you. 

You don’t need a lot to start, a pen and a notebook (or even just the notes app on your phone!) whatever feels most comfortable for you.

5 Journal prompts to carry with you into THE NEW YEAR

  1. What can you leave behind to make space for something better in the new year?

    Is there anything lying heavy on your heart? Maybe it’s an unfulfilling job or a negative habit? Whatever it is for you, pinpoint it and work through it in your journal.

  2. What is something you’ve been too afraid to do this past year that you know would bring you closer to your dream life?

    This annual transition period we’re in now is for defining what went wrong and what went right, So what hindered your growth this past year?

  3. What are the five things you’ve been most grateful for in the past year?

    Make a list of everything that made you grateful to be alive this past year. Then, especially if your list is shorter than you’d like, write about what would make the next year even more fulfilling.

  4. What makes you happy? How can you do it more often?

    How can you free up space in your calendar for flourishing and thriving?

  5. What do you look forward to next year? Dream it and go for it.

    What would you like to learn next year? Is there a place you’ve been itching to visit? Are you hoping to make a new friend? When we define what we want, achieving it becomes easier.

Have a great year all ✨


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